Tag: temple

  • What Holy Ground?

    What Holy Ground?

    Finding Holy ground is not (really) optional. As a follower of Jesus, we must find time and place to be with God. If we cannot find one, we must make the effort to do so.

  • So Bright

    So Bright

    He is the same one who shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.

  • Funny Smelling

    Funny Smelling

    Exodus 30:22–38; Acts 22:2–16 Have you ever had the experience of a particular smell, either good or bad, that triggers memories? There are a number of smells that will trigger memories of my grandparents’ house. My daughter has also shared experiences where certain smells trigger her memories, and they are often of her grandma’s house…

  • Path of Strength

    Path of Strength

    We often choose to model the behavior that appears successful, or model what we think is the behavior that achieved success. Other times, we are confronted with the fact that we are not that person. Their way of success is not ours. Solomon did not follows his father’s way of success. He chose a different…

  • You Want Me to do What?

    You Want Me to do What?

    Ananias chose to face reality. Ananias chose to walk ahead in faith, trust, and love. He made this decision while knowing the past.

  • Prepare to Prepare

    Prepare to Prepare

    Psalm 80; Zechariah 13:1–9; Revelation 14:6–13 If you’ve ever watched a professional chef (besides the competition ones), they will often have pre-cut and -measured ingredients so that when a customer orders a dish, most of the time-consuming work is completed. If you’ve ever ordered a sandwich at Subway, the meat and cheese are already pre-portioned.…

  • Gather Where

    Gather Where

    Exodus 3:1–6; Ezra 3:8–13; Matthew 23:37–24:8 I visited Rome many years ago. I have never been so overwhelmed by the sheer number of church buildings. It seemed that there wasn’t a block that didn’t have one. There is a Roman Catholic church building dedicated to every country in the world, and that’s not even half…

  • Foundational


    Matthew 19:16–26; Hebrews 9:1–14; Romans 10:8–13 The story of the rich young ruler, in my experience, has always been presented in one way…he cared too much for his stuff. This is true…to a point. Is the conclusion that we have often been led to actually correct? Or perhaps we, too, are missing which point Jesus…