Tag: Lent

  • Serve and Sit

    Serve and Sit

    Psalm 51:1–12; Habakkuk 3:2–13; John 12:1–11 That household is a problem. That’s pretty much the description for the household of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. One dies, is buried for 3 days, and then lives again (and will die again). Another takes some really expensive stuff and washes feet with it! At least one was normal,…

  • Given


    That is the weight of the Law. It isn’t all the offerings needed to cover our sin. It isn’t all the festivals to celebrate and recognize God’s miracles and saving works. The weight is the Truth that we can do nothing to save ourselves.

  • Ready To Wait

    Ready To Wait

    Waiting is an art. Waiting in quietness and peace is a gift.

  • Pursuit of Wholiness

    Pursuit of Wholiness

    We may be muddy, dirty, bloody, cranky, angry, depressed, grieving, sad, or even happy and joy-filled. We are still to pursue holiness.

  • Nasty Water

    Nasty Water

    Psalm 107:1–16; Exodus 15:22–27; Hebrews 3:1–6 One of the current struggles in the nation of Israel (the modern one) is water. Like every nation, they need water to drink, bathe, irrigate, and even manufacture. As of now, the land is (by and large) dry. Water is not yet a war issue, but may be. Due to its…

  • Cursing Blessings

    Cursing Blessings

    Numbers 21:4–9; Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Ephesians 2:1–10; John 3:14–21 One of the biggest dangers of constant blessings is that we often disdain them. We become so accustomed to them that we become blind to them. Even worse, we then grow to despise them. The Israelites were in the middle of the desert. They were being…

  • Journey Essentials

    Journey Essentials

    …passing off a mess or a bad legacy is not fulfilling the responsibility that God has given us.

  • 45 Days Countdown

    45 Days Countdown

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Daniel 12:5–13; Ephesians 1:7–14 We love countdowns. Before church service starts, we have a countdown. Every sporting event has a countdown. Part of its attraction is the pressure. It moves us. Another attraction of a countdown is finitude. We know there is an end, even if our team is losing (or maybe…