Tag: holy

  • Given


    That is the weight of the Law. It isn’t all the offerings needed to cover our sin. It isn’t all the festivals to celebrate and recognize God’s miracles and saving works. The weight is the Truth that we can do nothing to save ourselves.

  • Pursuit of Wholiness

    Pursuit of Wholiness

    We may be muddy, dirty, bloody, cranky, angry, depressed, grieving, sad, or even happy and joy-filled. We are still to pursue holiness.

  • 45 Days Countdown

    45 Days Countdown

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Daniel 12:5–13; Ephesians 1:7–14 We love countdowns. Before church service starts, we have a countdown. Every sporting event has a countdown. Part of its attraction is the pressure. It moves us. Another attraction of a countdown is finitude. We know there is an end, even if our team is losing (or maybe…

  • Feeling Real

    Feeling Real

    Psalm 84; 1 Kings 6:1–4, 21–22; 1 Corinthians 3:10–23 Based upon the description of the First Temple, it was impressive. The structure perched on a hill made it even more so. Culturally, physically, and religiously, it was the center of the Israelite city.  We are often amazed and awed by impressive architecture. If you’ve ever…

  • Strange People

    Strange People

    Exodus 20:1–17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18–25; John 2:13–24 Jesus’ “cleaning” of the Temple is often focused on how the Jews “corrupted” the House of God. There is truth in it. The scary part is that it often seems to be a, “look at them” moment, rather than what it should be, “look at us”.…

  • What Holy Ground?

    What Holy Ground?

    Finding Holy ground is not (really) optional. As a follower of Jesus, we must find time and place to be with God. If we cannot find one, we must make the effort to do so.

  • To Live As Sacrifice

    To Live As Sacrifice

    Walking through life as “the almost sacrifice”. What a strange feeling, even at the end, that must have been.

  • Is It Yours?

    Is It Yours?

    It’s humbling—or it should be—that the righteousness that we (should) cling to is not ours. It is a gift of grace.